Sunday, June 19, 2011

To the Funniest Man I know

Thank you for being the role model I have always needed. 
Thank you for showing me how to live life to its fullest. 
Thank you for showing me how to work, and how to enjoy it. 
Thank you for showing me how to laugh and make the best out of any situation. 
Thank you for encouraging me-- supporting me.
Thank you for teaching me how to laugh at myself. 
Thank you for teaching me what a good joke is.
Thank you for teaching me not to take life too seriously.
Thank you for teaching me how to make memories.
Thank you for knowing exactly when to be a dad, and when to be a friend.
 Thank you for pushing me to chase my dreams, I do notice and value your opinion. 
Thank you for being the best Dad in the world. 
You are my role model and my hero. 
And the funniest man I know. 

I love you.
Happy Father's Day.


  1. This was such a sweet post, yet all I could focus on was what a little chunk you were growing up. Haha! Love you, Court...and you too, dad :)

  2. I love you too Court. Where the heck did you get those pictures? I don't remember ever dressing so dorky . . . did you photo shop my pants to make them look that way? And what about that hairdo . . . that's photo shop no doubt about it. Thanks for making it easy to be a dad.

  3. You are so beautiful, Court! Just wanted you to know.

