Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Want to Change the World...

First things first: All you playlist haters... turn the playlist on. Listen to the words and the music. You'll love it.

Today has been a quiet day. I have been alone in the house with nobody except Ingrid Michaelson to keep me company. I don't mind, really. In fact, those that no me best know that I enjoy being alone-- I like the quiet. I like to have time to think.

Today as I was sitting on the couch facebooking and watching the time slowly pass, Ingrid Michaelson began to sing a song that literally made me stop what I was doing, and just listen to the words she was saying. Weird, I know, that I can be so inspired by Ingrid Michaelson, but for some reason the lyrics to this song really hit me hard.

The storm is coming, but I don't mind. 
People are dying, I close my blinds...

All that I know is I'm breathing-- now.

I want to change the world, instead I sleep.
I want to believe in more than you and me. 

...All we can do is keep breathing... now. 

I did have a huge long post written that told everything I thought about the horrible things that have been happening lately-- the people, old and young, left with nothing and no one, the families torn apart, the homes destroyed. But instead of all that, I simply decided to just recommit to serve. I don't want to be one of those people that turns their head at the horrible things happening. I don't want to "close my blinds" and ignore it as if it's not a big deal. I am alive and very able to help people in small and big ways. And I should do it now.

Japan earthquake 2011

Alabama tornado 2011

Orphan in Ecuador

Disclaimer: For those of you who think that I like depressing things-- I don't! I like inspiring things.

In the last general conference, President Eyring gave an excellent talk on service and taking action. In this talk he said, "Let sympathy turn into unselfish action." Along with that statement, he challenged each person to renew and strengthen their commitment to act. 

I want to get outside of myself, outside of my town, my group of friends, my worries, and have my eyes opened to problems that are so much bigger than me.

My friend spoke in church a few weeks ago. After bearing a very strong testimony of service, he said, "If you have a desire to serve God's children in any way, do it! Please. Just do it! You won't regret it! It will change your life..."

I know that it is not likely that I will change the world. But I can change somebody's world. 
That is not out of reach.

Until next time,
So long


  1. Well I, for one, am depressed...I mean, inspired. :) Really though, Court. You have a gift to be able to WANT to see the World's problems. A lot of people (me) think ignorance is better/easier/more guilt free. And I guess it is in a way, but the fact that you are willing to open your eyes is amazing. And the fact that you are actually willing to do something about it is even more amazing. Way to be amazing. I love you!

  2. I'll second Haley's comment. I wish I had the compassion that you have. I love that you said you can't change the world, but you can change someones world. I believe that as well and think it is so important to recognize. I can't wait to see the things you do to change the world!

  3. I am so proud of you, Court! You have always been so compassionate and aware of other's feelings. I'm not surprised that you want to take that to the next level and help those in need, even total strangers. I'm so excited for you to go to Ecuador. You will be so good with those little orphans and they will love you. It is a great place to start changing someone's world!
