I feel funny posting a picture of myself on here. Like one of those high school girls that labels her album "*tHiS Is mE*," or something along those lines. Please, don't get the wrong impression. I didn't take it of myself, and I'm not doing kissy lips. That counts for something :) Okay, I'll get to the point. Tonight I discovered this picture on my sister's computer.
I have been teaching myself how to play the guitar now for about a year and a half. I begged my parents for my own guitar last Christmas, and I was so overjoyed (and surprised) when I walked up the stairs and saw one of the prettiest guitars I've ever seen sitting on the chair. I love this guitar, and since I got it, I have tried to teach myself some new things. My progress is very slow, but it is happening. Lately I have taught myself a couple of new songs that I really like. In this picture I am playing Holding Us Back by Katie Herzig. It's really simple, but I think it's pretty. I have had this song, along with Lost and Found (another song by Katie Herzig) on replay for three days now. It's true that I obsess over songs that I like. Anyway, hopefully one day I will be an old time pro at the guitar. Once I've accomplished that, I'll work on the singing :)
Until next time,
So long